Wednesday, January 11, 2017

HoW was my breaK

My break was alright , I did a lot of things and 2 weeks was a long time for me. I spent a lot of time wit my family  and I enjoyed it  because I don't see my family often and I should appreciate it more every time I spend any time or any meal I have with them it's great when everyone gets together for the holidays even if it's just something small.

I ate a lot a food  from like thanksgiving, Christmas and Newyears and I spent a lot of time with my cousins making music or just chilling at the park or in our attic, for Christmas I got a jacket that cost $200 and I got some slippers,

Me and my cousins wrote some songs and made like a album and but we never really released it cuz it was more just for fun then for a career,  It was fun spending time with them

I spent some time saving my money so I could buy a record player so I could play some of my Sabbath records or my old Bowie record but I think it broke

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